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眼下,遼寧禾眾達機械制造有限公司全體員工,本著完善提升抓品質,勵精圖治謀發展,踐行敏學創偉業,誠信合作求共贏的經營理念,朝著“禾眾達 中國造”的品牌行列邁進!

Liaoning hezhongda Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd., located in the industrial park of Taian County, Liaoning Province, is a large-scale professional manufacturer integrating mechanical equipment research and development, design and manufacturing services.

Since its establishment, one belt, one road, has been guided by science and technology, aiming at the development of the country, following closely the track of "one belt and one road", and working closely with well-known enterprises in China, and has completed the overall manufacturing and technological research and development topics of many animal husbandry equipment. The top intelligent production line and a large team of craftsmen are capable of supporting large bridge parts, railway locomotive parts, molds, metal products, plastic products, etc. Especially at present, with the rapid development of domestic animal husbandry and the huge regional resources advantage of northeast province, Liaoning hezhongda Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. occupies a favorable position and produces different breeding machinery and equipment for many breeding companies. The product cloth and many cities and counties in Henan, Hebei and eastern provinces, together with Liaoning mubang Animal Husbandry Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., which is the largest production equipment manufacturer of white feather broiler in China, have opened up a manufacturing precedent in this industry, which is the great success of animal husbandry equipment manufacturing.

At present, all employees of Liaoning hezhongda Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. are marching towards the brand ranks of "hezhongda" made in China with the business philosophy of improving quality, striving for development, practicing smart learning and creating great cause, and seeking win-win cooperation in good faith!

Copyright ? 遼寧禾眾達機械制造有限公司 All rights reserved 備案號:遼ICP備2021012121號-1 主要從事于肉雞設備,肉雞養殖設備,養殖設備廠家, 歡迎來電咨詢!
主營區域: 上海 北京 蘇州 廣州 深圳
技術支持: 營口中創網絡科技有限公司